Sunday, April 5, 2020

Blessings to You on Palm Sunday

What a different Palm Sunday this is!

It's like being in a totally different world which, in essence, is the truth.  

This is a very different world.

It is almost impossible to say "Happy Palm Sunday" because it's not really happy, especially for those who will die today from the effects of COVID-19.

It's certainly not happy for the doctors, nurses, CNAs, and other medical personnel who put their very lives at risk by going to work to take care of the ill.

May Almighty God bless them all.

As we hunker down inside to do our parts to keep the dreaded virus from spreading, may we find solace that we are still alive and have hope for the future, when COVID-19 will be just an ugly, wretched memory.

On this Palm Sunday, I find peace and deep, abiding love through asking God and the Blessed Mother to pray for all of us on earth.



diane stetson said...

I am usually at church singing with the choir and taking home palms to put behind my holy things...but this year I watched Palm Sunday services online and it feels so weird not to be with other choir members. I guess I will continue to pray daily for our world to be normal again. I think that's what we all want and I know God hears our prayers. IN HIS TIME.

Thankful for Grace said...

First of all, I'm not sure why your blog disappeared from my blog roll. I am "following" again.

Yes, a very different Palm Sunday, for sure! But the Lord Jesus remains on the throne, and we can trust Him through this time of uncertainty.


Chatty Crone said...

A Palm Sunday like never before. I go back and forth from being scared to really knowing God is there for us no matter what. I am in a multi-generational family which is tough sometime. God bless you and everyone girl!

Linda O'Connell said...

Your faith is an anchor in these trying times. Your pretty pictures comforting.

Red Rose Alley said...

Susan, your Mary statue is just beautiful. She is so gentle, and is always there for us. Palm Sunday was surely different this year, but it has the same sentiment, now and forever. I love the Cross on your door. : )


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