Tuesday, April 7, 2020

New Day, New Week, Old Virus

The sun is shining!

The temps are warmer!

It's a new day!

It's a new week!

It's still the same old virus, causing havoc in our world.

Don't you just wish it would go AWAY? That things would be back to normal?

If they were, I'd go grocery shopping today and maybe stop in a thrift store to browse around.

Or maybe I would go and buy some little gifties for the grands for Easter.

Well, wishful thinking isn't going to make any of those things happen so instead, I'll be grateful for coffee, breakfast, and a new "to do" around the house list. 

So grateful for a washing machine and drier to do clothes and for half-and-half to put in my morning coffee. 

We've got to be thankful for little things, right?

Speaking of little things to be grateful for, the plants in my home office, where I spent a lot of time this past weekend, are doing great. They are shown in this post.

I love the blue bulb that provides water when I'm not in there.



Linda O'Connell said...

I am aching for a Goodwill run. Although now I'm afraid to make any purchases! Love that watering bulb. Three days of 70s and 80, I will make it through. Thinking of you and your honey.

Chatty Crone said...

Love your post today - yes there are a ton of things we could be and want to do - but can't - but we are grateful that we have a home to hide in - aren't we? lol It will be wonderful when this is all over...

diane stetson said...

Happy for my health and home and technology to chat and see my grandchildren and adult children. This too shall pass and we will be stronger and appreciate more of what we have instead of what we don't have and can't do.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

You're a breath of fresh air, Susan. Love that blue ball for watering.

I'm grateful for the meds I had to pick up earlier from the pharmacy; trusting they'll keep doing their job while we all go through this pandemic.

I'm grateful, too, for creamer for my coffee.

AND, for a KitKat bar I found at the pharmacy. Not being the key grocery shopper these days of careful outings, I hate to add my 'junk' food wishes on the grocery list for God and everyone to see. Usually I just nip those into the house and hide in the cupboard when I get groceries. Hubby is not a junk food person at all. Of course, he knows I eat these things once in a while, but I don't want it so out there in the open. If you know what I mean. Haha! I'm happy for my little treat. Hmmm, I wonder if I could ration myself to one chocolately biscuit finger a day. We'll see... wink.

Blessings, Susan. Keep safe and well.
Brenda xox

Red Rose Alley said...

I'm thankful for our health. And Yes, for the washer and dryer. And coffee! And small desserts to go with it. And food. And for the internet, which we are able to say hello to our blog companions. Hello, dear friend. Stay safe.


*your blue bulb is beautiful. : )

Merlesworld said...

The day started off pretty good but is clouding over now so maybe a bit of rain.

Kit said...

Thankful for my kids who came and chatted with me thru our front door. Thankful for Wal Mart pick up service. Thankful that I am quarantined with my best friend. Thankful for you. 💕 Kit

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