Wednesday, April 22, 2020

It's "Snow" Joke

Okay.  Mother Nature is really joking around these days.

 When looking out the window this morning, guess what to my wandering eyes did appear?

Not reindeer, that's for sure, but snow!   Yep.  

Almost the end of April and the ground was covered with snow.

The winds were blowing like crazy.

The bird feeders, filled with seed, needed just the birds who were nowhere in sight.

Along with COVID-19, stay-at-home orders still in effect, and the lousy weather, one had to use very strong abilities to stay positive.

So, as quickly as a bunny, I devised a gratitude list in my mind:

1) Grateful for another day of life
2) For warm heat coming out of the radiators  
3) For hubs and for a nice breakfast with him in our cozy kitchen
4) For my daughter who is bringing our groceries today5) For fake purple flowers in a crystal vase on the kitchen table
6) For dishwashing liquid
7) For eyesight  to look out of the window at the weather outside
8) For earrings 
9) For the ability to pray for all suffering from COVID-19 today
10)For their caregivers
11) For the mail person 
12) For hair dye
13) For all our adult "children" and our grandkids

Okay, there was a baker's dozen in two minutes flat.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!



diane stetson said...

Well where I live it is 84 and sunny out so I'm grateful for that. I'm also grateful for my son and family who live close by and check on me each and every day for any needs that I have. My pharmacy just called and said they would MAIL my prescription so I don't have to pick it up...YAY...thank the LORD.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, I just love seeing your snow around your area, Susan. I really miss the snow. We have to travel to the mountains about an hour away to see it. Your list of gratitude is special, indeed. Yes, I'm glad for dishwashing liquid too - I've been able to find Palmolive, my favorite. It is wonderful and thoughtful of your daughter to bring you groceries. It's not fun going. I had to go one day, but I went late at night, and there were only a couple people in the store. I'm so thankful for food. And the grocery workers - they're the best. : )


Linda O'Connell said...

You always find a bright spot. That makes for an easier acceptance of snow in almost May! We are supposed to get storms and big rains. I am waiting for warm weather. Have to go now to find shelter for a bunny nest in the ground so the babies don't drown down there.

Chatty Crone said...

Okay that picture is a little dismal - but imagine a big red heart in that photo - that is YOU!

Red Rose Alley said...

Susan, I knew you would appreciate my post today, as you love Mary. I feel so close to her. Yes, Mother Mary always comes through for us. Thank you for visiting today, Susan. : )


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