Tuesday, April 21, 2020


The stay-at-home order to help stop the spread of the coronavirus is getting very long.

It is almost unbelievable that this is happening.

Even going to the supermarket sounds appealing.

But, because I love living, I'm sticking to it.

The Easter decorations from the front porch came down and I brought a few different ones out there.

One is a really pretty crocheted heart that is quite old.

It's still filled with potpourri and lovely faux flowers.

I remember the day this was purchased.  

There was a local arts and  crafts fair.

My late Mummy used to love going places, especially to arts and crafts fairs.

It was a terrible weather day but we ventured out anyway.

We each bought a heart potpourri. 

Her turquoise one is shown in this post and mine was purple.

Hanging it out on the porch made me sad and happy at the same time.

I miss Mummy and hope she was looking down from heaven when I hung her crocheted heart on the porch!


Chatty Crone said...

Those were very pretty - of course I love the teal one. She may be looking down indeed. Good night.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

That's a lovely heart. Such a pretty decoration for the door. Have a good day.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

What a pretty crocheted heart! Filled with potpourri, flowers AND special memories. It looks lovely as a door decoration.

You mention feeling sad and happy about it as you remember your dear mom. It seems so much of life is a mixture of bittersweet. And, at this stage of life, I realize that that's okay. Even as we miss those we love, there is still so much that still gives us joy and comfort, don't you find?

Around here, Spring has finally arrived. It was warm and pleasant yesterday, even the breeze was warm. The snow is almost gone. Hopefully soon we'll hear our first robins as they start arriving. Can't wait.

Wishing you a beautiful day, Susan.

Heart hugs,
Brenda xox

Linda O'Connell said...

What a lovely reminder.

diane stetson said...

I had Mom's Valentine heart she made on my door in February. I think of her often and she loved arts and crafts and was much better at making such things than I am. Enjoy the Heart....it's lovely.

Red Rose Alley said...

Such treasured memories of you and your mom going to the craft fair and each of you getting a crocheted heart. I bet it was sentimentally when you hung it on the front porch, Susan. I'd like to see your Purple one, it sounds so pretty.


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