Friday, June 19, 2020

Childhood Memories

Think about some of the happiest memories of childhood.

What brought you joy?

What was guaranteed to make you laugh?

What guaranteed that you also felt loved? 

Can you picture a scene, with you as a little girl in it?

Do you see that big grin on your face?

You can repeat that scene today.  

Just bring out the kinds of things you played with as a kid.

For me, it's dolls.  

The love I felt for my 30-odd babies as a kid is still very much in my heart.

Dolls are just adorable to me and make me want to hug them as tightly as possible.

The dollies in this post are on a wicker chair in a bedroom. 



diane stetson said...

Swinging on my swing in the backyard, playing in the sandbox and having a "bakery" and performing talent shows on the porch for neighbors...those are some happy times I had as a child...also paper dolls...I had loads of them.

Chatty Crone said...

Susan are those dolls you have collected - or are they from your childhood? I had two left from childhood - I gave my niece one - wish I didn't as it is gone - but I still have my Posey doll left.

Linda O'Connell said...

I was very attached to my baby dolls when I was really young. If it stormed, I would put them to bed and cover them up. I have a doll from childhood, but I never played with her. It is an American Indian mother with papoose.

Have a blessed day.

SImple and Serene Living said...

We must be on the same wavelength. I was working on a post today about childhood memories. I think that all of the things that are going on are bringing out memories from happier times. xo Laura

Red Rose Alley said...

Your dolls look so real, Susan. They have pretty faces. They look sweet on the wicker chair. It's nice that you have wonderful memories of the dolls you played with when you were little, and you still love them today. I only had one Barbie doll growing up, and my Mom made clothes for her. I used to play for hours at my friend's house, where she would share her Barbies, clothes, and accessories. She had a whole suitcase of them. It was such fun.


My Tata's Cottage said...

I have all my dolls. They are mostly stored away but I like to pull a few out and place them around my house. I have several American Girl dolls in my hallway and they make me smile. I will always love my dolls. Thanks for the smiles. Have a beautiful weekend. HUGS xo

Laurel Wood said...

As a child, I loved riding my bike, skating and dolls. I definitely can no longer ride a bike or skate but I do have my dolls. They are precious to me. Your dolls and photos are beautiful, Susan.

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