Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Collecting Paperweights

Some collections come and go. 

Others remain in a person's interest for a lifetime.

Throughout the decades of life, there have been a great many collections around here.

Once, I collected all sizes of teddy bears until I saw a type of beetle crawl out of the tiniest rip in a seam in one of them. 

Then it was bye bye teddy bear collection.

At one time, I had a fairly large paperweight collection but eventually it became rather cumbersome.

Consequently, I sold or gave away several paperweights but decided to keep my favorites, which remain on a bedroom windowsill, behind a lace curtain, today.

Paperweights are so incredibly fascinating.  

They are just beautiful to look at and into.

They also make great gifts.

Although most people have less papers on desks these days, there are always some left to deal with. 

Securing them with a stunning paperweight is a good idea but lining them up on a window sill works too!



Linda O'Connell said...

Quite a collection! My son gave me one with a heart etched inside an apple shape.

Terra said...

The paperweights you kept are stunning. A man in my town was a well known collector and he had a shop where you could enjoy some of his paperweights, such beauties.

diane stetson said...

IU only have one paperweight and I don't even use it for papers.. Yours are beautiful.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

You have a lovely collection of paperweights.They look very pretty on the window sill peeking from behind the lace curtain.

I don't have any paperweights per se, but I do have a polished fossil that seems to have taken on the job over the years (I've had it for 35 years now).

Happy day, Susan.
Brenda xox

Chatty Crone said...

I do have a small paperweight collection - I can't believe I have something you have. LOL. I love that first aqua one you have!!!!!!!!!

Red Rose Alley said...

Your collection of paperweights are so pretty, Susan, especially that red rose. I only have one paperweight, and it has a bird and a rose and says free spirit - three things which I relate to. It's on my desk and love to look at it when I pass by.


Lady Linda said...

My mom had a wonderful collection. When she passed away 23 years ago, my sister packed them into a box. Last summer, she opened it up and we dispersed them among the family. It was a sentimental evening. We all loved them. I have a pink swirly one. Your collection is lovely.

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