Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Oh Baby, Tomatoes

Every year, a hanging baby tomato plant brings sheer delight to the grandkids within driving distance of our house.

How they love lifting up the green leaves and finding the bright red globes of yumminess.

This year, with the addition of some plant food every week or so, the crop has been fabulous.

These babies even make a truly delicious salad.

Simply mix the baby tomatoes with  chunks of mozzarella cheese, basil, and balsamic vinegar (reduced by boiling, then cooling),  honey, and olive oil.

It is beyond delicious.



Red Rose Alley said...

There's nothing like homegrown tomatoes. Your little tomato plant is nice, Susan. And your salad with the tomatoes and mozzarella cheese sounds delicious. I love your charming white table and chairs, so cute.


diane stetson said...

Both my adult children have hanging tomato plants. I can't eat too many tomatoes as they say they cause swelling in the joints. I guess the thing that please my little grandsons and they are not too little anymore are my chocolate chip cookies.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness in that first photo - it looked like a huge fresh tomato! I love the little ones too. Nothing like home grown....

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Don't they look inviting to pick! We have some tomatoes on our plant, but we need some sunshine for them to ripen. It's been so rainy of late. Thankfully between the rain showers, there have been moments when the sun has peeked out and given us a chance to enjoy it on our deck with tea or a meal.

In answer to your question about one thing that I have that delights kids:

Our little 5 year old neighbour loves that we put stepping stones in the garden bed that borders with his mom and dad's front yard. I told him he was welcome to use them so he could slip in and out to see us. He thought that was great. He's a lovely, imaginative little fellow.

Wishing you a beautiful day, Susan.
Brenda xox

Laurel Wood said...

Many days in summertime, I eat cherry tomatoes with a sandwich rather than potato chips. They are delicious and so flavorful. I never had children, grands but neighbor children always enjoy helping me tend to my flowers.

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