Saturday, June 13, 2020

Words of Wisdom

My late Mummy always clipped things she liked or found inspirational.

While going through some files recently, the following words of wisdom by st Francis de Sales popped out.

Mummy found them, typed them, and tucked them away for safe keeping.

They are worth posting on this blog.  

Thanks, Mummy!  Until we meet again...


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

This is one of my favourite pieces by St. Francis de Sales. Especially love the third paragraph. And how special for you that it was something your mom treasured and now you have it too. A treasure and a consolation on so many levels.

Wishing you a peaceful weekend.
Brenda xox

Chatty Crone said...

I LOVE St. Francis number one and I just love what he wrote and thirdly I love how your mom 'typed' it for you and lastly that you still have it.

Take heed - it was beautiful!

ellen said...

I love this passage and turn to this beautiful reminder whenever I feel stressed and alone. Your Mom is a kindred spirit. Thank you for sharing.

diane stetson said...

Such a great prayer at this trying time. So glad you found it.

Red Rose Alley said...

This brought a tear to my eye, one part in particular. Thank you for sharing these words that your Mother had kept safely tucked away, Susan. : )

I smiled because I just found a passage that I have kept for years and shared it with my kids the other day. So, I'm very familiar with what your Mom did by keeping her special clippings. They seem to come back to us just when we need them the most.


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