Monday, July 20, 2020

Monday Thoughts

Hello Dear Blog Peeps:

It has been a whirlwind time.

Saying goodbye to a loved one has got to be one of life's most difficult things to do.

However, after 45 years of marriage and six years of courtship with him before that, I know, without a doubt, that my "forever love" will still be with me. 

It is just in a different way-----tucked safe inside the human heart and mind.

The love, kindness, and generosity of people who have reached out since my husband's death on July 9th,  have been most gratifying.

There are flowers all over the house, food offerings fill the freezer and refrigerator, and mail keeps coming in, in stacks. 

There will be much time making out thank-you notes in the weeks to come.

My heart is full.

Shown in this post is one of the floral bouquets that I put on a table near my bed. 

It's great to wake up and see something beautiful right away.



Terra said...

Oh Susan, what heart breaking news. My own hubby died in 2016, ten days before our 45th anniversary. I talked to our lead pastor once and to a counselor pastor twice, both helpful and a year after his death I signed up for Griefhshare, a series of 13 free classes offered in churches, but I was so in pieces I had to wait a year. Your own path will be unique. Send me an email if you would like to chat. Hugs from Terra

Nellie said...

Oh, Susan! I am deeply saddened by this news! Please accept my condolences at the loss of your beloved husband! Hugs, Nellie

diane stetson said...

Dear Susan
Those flowers are gorgeous and I like the book on your bedside table too. Jesus is with you every moment. Love you.

Chatty Crone said...

Grief-share, a series of 13 free classes offered in churches - ours church does it too - but like the gal says you have to be ready and you may be.
I lost my mom and dad both on the same day January 30, 2003 - opposite coasts - they were divorced about the same time of day. That was rough as was my brother's death.
Death is always hard.
I am so sorry about your husband.
I am glad for all your support and love from friends.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I love all the flower photos you've shown us. And I do love that book you have by your bedside. It's one I've read over and over during some hard times. May it bring comfort and peace in those quiet, alone times.

Sending love and heart hugs, Susan.
Brenda xox

Joyful said...

Susan, I'm very sorry for your loss. I have suffered grief like most people and in some cases it was more difficult for various reasons though I miss them all. I send you a big virtual hug and warmest wishes for the comfort of friends and loved ones around you.

ellen said...

I wish there were magic words that would take your pain away. I'm so very sorry for your loss. You are so blessed to have such good friends who care so much for you. I do know that love never dies. Your husband still loves you. I imagine he's having a great time discovering all the wonders of Heaven. And waiting for you to come and join him some day. You are in my prayers.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Thinking of you often, dear Susan. Your husband’s obituary was such a testament to a loving, accomplished man. Sending prayers for you as you navigate this huge loss. Hugs to you!

Red Rose Alley said...

Susan, I'm so sorry you have to go through this grief in your life. I've dealt with grief too, and it's hard, so hard. But I do know this... that God is with us to comfort us during that time of grief. it's so nice that you got flowers and food from loved ones. And your cream roses are beautiful. Thinking of you tonight and sending comfort and love.


Unknown said...
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Becky said...

Dear Susan, you have always been such a lovely person, inside and out, and I know you will be okay, because as you said, your love will always be with you. Saying prayers and sending you lots of hugs. (Oh, you asked about how we handled grief in our lives. The most difficult for me was losing my sister many years ago, because she was like a mother. I talked to a therapist and she helped me immensely.)

Linda O'Connell said...

One day at a time... that is the only way to get through. Mourning has no time limit. Keeping you in prayer and sending hugs.

Brittany said...

Happy to see you writing again 💖

My Tata's Cottage said...

I am so very sad to hear this news. Please accept my condolences. I will be praying for you and your loved ones too. Loss is the most difficult thing to experience but I know nothing of the loss of a husband. But I can pray. Please take care and if you need anything please do know hesitate.May God give you some rest and peace for now as you navigate this difficult path. Much love and Blessings to you Susan.

SImple and Serene Living said...

Oh, Susan I cannot find the words to tell you how sorry I am to hear that you have lost your dear husband. Everyone's grief is different and personal. My thoughts are with you. xo Laura

Laurel Wood said...

The flowers and your photos are beautiful. I was especially close to my parents and was their caregiver in their home for the last thirty years of their lives, Dad had leukemia and Parkinson’s Disease. Mother was blind and eventually had dementia. I did everything for mother.....put on her makeup, fed her, gave her medicine, drove her, and enjoyed walks in our flower garden with her. It was literally hard to put one foot in front of the other, the grief was so strong. I was always sure that God loved me and that one day I will see my loved ones again, so often, the lyrics to a beautiful hymn comfort me in my sadness.

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