Sunday, November 8, 2020

A New American President Is On the Horizon


News that Joe Biden is President Elect was like music to the ears.

Thousands of people celebrated and will continue to do so.

Even Presidents of  different countries sent their congratulations.

Once again, there is hope for our Democracy.

Compassion will be restored.

Decency will be restored.

Kindness will be restored.

Pride in our President will be restored.

Respect will be restored.

Support for children and elderly will be restored.

Teams of experts working on this country's problems will be restored.

No more name calling.

No more putting everyone and everything down in the most negative way possible.

No more thinking of only the rich and powerful.

No more lies.

No more temper tantrums from a troubled mind.

We have endured and survived four years of daily wretchedness that will soon come to an end.






Kit said...

God answered our prayers!! I feel so good. Oh happy Day! 💕 Kit

diane stetson said...

Couldn't have said it better Susan. Our country is FINALLY going to be the United States of America again...stressing the word UNITED....YAY Finally a guy and gal we can look up to with PRIDE.

Linda O'Connell said...

Ithink our nation breathed a sigh of relief. We have been clenching our jaws. The best part is that no rioting, but clebrating in the streets. That in itself is an eye opener.

Babs said...

Loving is hard work. My opinion is that President Trump was not able to listen to others. His world appeared to center on himself. All Joe talks about is unity! That kind of rhetoric gives me hope. Misconceptions on both Democratic and Republican sides.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, I love this, Susan. Tomorrow on my post, I mentioned that we have a new President, but didn't say much except that I love listening to him. He talks so sensibly and calm, doesn't he? I've always admired him and think he'll do good for this country. Sounds like you appreciate him as well. : )

love ya, Susan.


Nellie said...

I share your joy! Whew! There is still a lot of work to do; can’t understand how over 70 M people voted for d t after they know how the past four years have gone!

Anonymous said...

I am still in disbelief . Thank you for this post . Living in a DEEP RED STATEi in an ty bitty town , one must keep quiet locally . Thanks again !

Susan said...

So glad you know and acknowledge the truth in your heart. It must be very difficult to live there.

ellen said...

Sorry, but anyone who votes for killing a baby while in the process of birth does not share my values. Abortion is an abomination. There are numerous other issues like world peace, (Trump has been nominated 3 or 4 times for the Nobel Peace Prize for peace in the Middle East), the end of senseless war, the end of Obama Care, lower taxes, the highest support of minorities in history, keeping our borders safe, supporting our police and law enforcement, I could go on and on. These are wonderful things Trump has done for us. The Biden family is corrupt. Taking money from China, child porn and general sleeze. This election is far from over. The Supreme Court will call it, not the media. Like Biden says " I stole this election fair and square." You and I don't have the same values. Sorry, I won't be following you any longer. God bless you.

SImple and Serene Living said...

A huge sigh of relief and now as I Georgian I am on to the senate races. I'm so sorry about the comment above me spouting off false information. There is a lot of healing that needs to be done in this country. xo Laura

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Hallelujah! Thank goodness! You definitely summed up all the betrayals that bully put everyone through the past four years.

Poor, poor Ellen who left a comment her and has allowed herself to be fed a false narrative. She needs a history lesson because she knows nothing about the Middle East and definitely needs to stop believing all those ridiculous conspiracy theories. The only abomination is that Trump was ever president in the first place. (Remember, Ellen, the truth will set you free.)

Thank you, Susan, for being a on the right side of history.
Have a good week.

Susan said...

Bye bye, Ellen. I am sorry you believe so many blatant LIES. Your comment is a perfect example of the deep division the person in Washington created. Nobel Peace prize? Are you kidding me? I am so sorry for you. Bye bye also to the trumpster in Washington---- but not for long.

Susan said...

THANK YOU SO MUCH, Tammy. You are soooooo right.January 18, 2021 cannot come quickly enough for me. You-know- who has caused so many horrendous problems for our beloved country, as bullies are known to do. However, soon he will fade into onlivion and we can start to heal our is truly a relief like i havent felt for four agonizing years. The best to you, my friend.

Susan said...

Hi Laura. You are SO RIGHT about the spouting out of false information but that is what he preaches to his followers and they believe him without thinking. This sorry part of our history will soon be over, thanks be to God. The best to you, dear Laura.

Susan said...

Thank you so much for sharing my joy, Nellie. Trust me I, also cannot comprehend 70 million people voting for such a person as we have endured for four, horrendous years.I will NEVER understand that but then I could never understand Hitler's followers, either. And so many people died then, too. Thank you for your gentle comment Nellie. Bless you, my friend.

Susan said...

Dear Sheri. Thank you kindly for your wonderful comment. Soon our country will be in the hands of a decent, kind, and respectable president who will bring credibility back to our nation. He will have teams of experts helping him in all areas and respect the educated opinions of scientists. Just a short time more, my dear Sheri. The best to you, as always.

Susan said...

Thank you, dear Babs. It will be wonderful to have a "real" Christian president again, who respcts everyone and has good plans for America. Have a good day.

Susan said...

Dear Linda. One could almost hear that momentous sigh of reluef! There really was dancing in the streets.We WILL have peace and unity in our beloved country again, Linda. The time for hurting people, name-calling, and hiding of tax returns is coming to an END. Have a good rest of the week, dear Linda.

Susan said...

Thank you dear Diane for your intelligent and heartfelt comment.Yes! We will have a President we can be proud of, rather than ashamed of. No more name calling, no more put downs of the media who are just doing their jobs, no more trying to kick millions of people off of insurance, and the list goes on and on. Have a good week and again, thanks for taking the time to comment during this soon-to-be glorious transition.

Susan said...

Yes, Kit. God DID answer our prayers. I havent felt this good in four torturous years. It IS a happy day and I am so honored to have you as a faithful follower.

Jackie See said...

Only post those that agree with your opinion? There was so much "hate" coming from the Democrats these past 4 years. I have been called everything from racist, homophobe, and worse by Democrats just for having a Trump sign in my yard. But yet I hear all of you telling how Trump was the hate - WRONG! I have locked my friends doors with 2x4's when the rioting got close to her home only to have the cops stand down. "Cops are pigs" came from the Democrats. Hate is on Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schoomer. Until they are gone, I will not support anything by the Democrat Party. When my job is gone, maybe Joe will get one in Ukraine or China??

Susan said...

GeeDazeez. I am sure there are many blogs you can go to that mirror your thinking and where you'd feel more comfortable. Remember, we still live in a Democracy. Granted, it has been sorely tested these past 4 years but we survived. I work very hard on my blog and if there are people who dislike it or think vastly differently than me, there is a simple solution. Go to blogs where you feel more comfortable. The best to you!

Anonymous said...

You're so blinded by your TDS that you can't see the truth. I feel sorry for you all. Trump will be re-elected. You can take that to the bank.

ellen said...

Didn't mean that last comment to be from anonymous. It was from me. So glad this election has exposed all the evil and hatred. Bye, Bye, Susan

Jackie See said...

Susan I will be glad to leave if that is your want, not mine. Please don't ignore all the bad that came from the Democrat Party. It's not all Trump's fault. You can ignore the hate that I have personally experienced from the Biden camp if that is what you choose. I live in the real world, not blog land.

Susan said...

Sorry, Dazeez. I live in the real world, too. I dont choose for anyone to leave my blog. It is my joy to share slices of my own life. This post is one of the RARE times I have used a political theme. I do feel very, very strongly about the state our country is in because of a massive, ongoing lack of leadership, decency, and responsibility for four LONG years. Just like you and ellen, I have a right to my opinion. I do not believe a single word of what you have aaid about Joe Biden. He is intelligent, wise, and desiring of ending the hatred that has been sown by the person in Washington. Now, if you choose to unfriend me, that is YOUR choice, not mine. I just thought that perhaps you'd prefer going to blogs whose writers think and feel like you. Obviously, when it comes to politics, that's not me.Thanks for writing.

Susan said...

ellen, it isnt the election that has exposed evil and hatred. That has been happening for the past 4 years because of the administration in Washington. Thousands of Americans have died from COVID due to negligence as well. It is ok for you to think otherwise, ellen. That is why we must preserve our Democracy, not continue to shred it, like the dictators in North Korea and Russia who someone loves so much. No, ellen, there will NOT be a dictator in the USA. God took care of that. Thank you for writing, ellen.

ellen said...

Like I said, anyone who can vote for a party or person who thinks it's ok to kill a baby up to point of birth does not share my values. I'll pray for your soul. God bless you.

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