Saturday, December 12, 2020

Angels We Have Heard on High...

 Some people wait until Christmas morning to open gifts.

Others choose Christmas Eve.

Whenever anyone gives me a gift for Christmas on any day in December, I open it right away.

 It's a month to celebrate every day.

One of my sisters gave me a wrapped gift a few days ago.

It included lovely rose hand lotion, hibiscus soap, and a box of apricot rose tea candles.


Best of all the candles nestle in the arms of a precious angel.

Her head, wings, and upper torso are transparent glass.

Her skirt is gold-covered.  


I loved this lovely gift, one of the first of the Christmas season.



diane stetson said...

I loved my two wheel bike I got as a kid. I had to wait to ride it till spring but it was a wonderful memorable gift. As an adult my favorite present was a real string of pearls I got as I love pearls and I still have it. Now I need a nice occasion to wear it to.

Babs said...

I remember using little pots and pans which we put on the radiators to cook...with cardboard eggs.

Linda O'Connell said...

I had a bride doll, and I ended up cutting her hair.

Red Rose Alley said...

What a beautiful Angel candle holder. My best friend used to open up her presents on Christmas Eve when she was growing up, and I always thought that was strange, cause the anticipation of presents on Christmas day brought so much joy! But everyone has their own traditions, and that was her family's. That was such a thoughtful gift that your sister gave you. I love her gold glittery dress.


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