Thursday, January 14, 2021

Live in the Now


Every so often, it's good to have the reminder to live in the moment.

It's so easy to start to worry about the future or lament about something in the past.

Really, all we have is now so why not live it to the best of our abilities?

 Today, despite snow falling down as this is written, I'm going to try to focus on good things happening.

It has been said that angels surround us wherever we go but we never even notice them.

Today, I'm going to listen, try to follow where I'm being led, and live in the "now" of this gift of another day of life.



diane stetson said...

Well there is no snow where I live...we are having a heat wave and temps will be in the 80s. My hope for the day is that I can get a vaccine for COVID very soon. They have started to give it to people my age. If not today then in the next month or so....I will just enjoy the sunshine today.

Nellie said...

Love your cranberry glass, Susan! Hopes for this day? We’ve already taken care of a few of them....curbside pickup from our favorite store, then a delivery from another. In between, some investigating of the breaker that was tripped yesterday and restoring life to the cooktop.:-) Moving right along today! Appointment slots for COVID vaccine keep filling up before we even know they are available, and we’ve been in the correct age range all along!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

All we can do is deal with each day (and the emotions) as they come. Been rather blah the past couple of days. Weather sort of matches my mood. Take care of yourself.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh my, your pink glass is beautiful, Susan. Looks so nice on your mantel with the sweet angel. Thank you for this gentle reminder to "live in the now." Such a wise and sensible thing to do. : )


Linda O'Connell said...

Your decorations bring a bright light to others. Have a great week.

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