Monday, May 24, 2021

Visit to a Farm

It's great fun to go on little excursions and discover new places.

A visit to High Lawn Farm in Western Massachusetts is a great experience.

 They sell the most luscious cheeses there, as well as truly delicious ice cream.

One flavor never tried before, strawberry rhubarb crisp, is creamy and unique!  

Oh my, talk about yummy, every bite truly is!

 Visiting the mama cows responsible for providing the milk and cream that make the ice cream is great fun, too.

Cows seem to be such gentle creatures.  I love their large, expressive eyes.

The vistas from High Lawn Farm are spectacular, too. 

 What a beautiful place it is! 

All in all, an excursion to High Lawn Farm, perched high on a hill,  is delightful in every way. 



diane stetson said...

This past Saturday I took my eight year old grandson to my very favorite place in the whole world...the ocean lookout in Dana Point. It was a gorgeous day and there were sail boats out on the water and huge waves crashing over the jetty. It was just spectacular. Cool breezes too. Loved it.

Laurel Wood said...

That first cow photo melts my sweet. The strawberry rhubarb ice cream sounds interesting, I often hear about cobbler with those two flavors.

Linda O'Connell said...

We have a small farm open to the public at a local park with fishing lake, a really fun place for the kids to see animals up close.

Nellie said...

This trip looks like it’s something I would enjoy! It has been many months since we set out to “discover” something like this!

Kit said...

Oh my look at those lovely faces!! I just love cows! I haven't been out to visit too many places but we're hoping to go to Oregon next month. Kit 💕

Red Rose Alley said...

What a fun visit you had at the farm. That second picture is so sweet of him. That's nice that they sell cheeses and ice cream there as well, so you can take a treat home with you. There is actually a cow farm right down the road that I discovered. And it's on my way to the creek, so I often see these wonderful animals and hear their Moooooooo. : )


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