Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Flowers, Flowers Everywhere

Wherever one looks these days, there are glorious flowers.

The bridal veil bush, above, in our front yard is a real stunner.

Its white blooms are, indeed, reminiscent of  a gorgeous bride in her pristine white bridal gown and veil. 

Nearby, the bridal veil's neighbors, white petunias, bob along from a planter near the front steps.

The different shades of purple flowers, seen below, grow in front of a downtown building.

Whoever does the landscaping there does a great job!

The rhododendron, also part of our front yard, wears splendorous purplish raspberry blossoms  at this time of year.

So many beautiful flowers are provided for our viewing pleasure.

They are true gifts from the Father's hands.

 So many flowers to be thankful for.




diane stetson said...

Flowers are beautiful and so is sunshine year round where I live. It's great to open up the blinds and see the sun each morning . No rain here during the summer months although we need it ...

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Beautiful!! Everything looks so pretty!!

Laurel Wood said...

Your bridal veil bush and rhododendron are both gorgeous this time of year. Your petunias are very cheerful too. At the hospital and various office buildings here, they take great pride in providing lovely gardens and point# of beauty for those visiting.

Red Rose Alley said...

Susan, a blog friend just mentioned to me that the bush that's on my post today may be Bridal Wreath Spirea. Yours is really full. The one in my front yard is just starting to bloom, but it hangs over my white fence and is so pretty. Those purple flowers in your neighbor's yard are beautiful. The landscaping is so groomed and lovely. It looks like there are many flowers in your neighborhood that you can admire and appreciate.


Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Beautiful flowers! TREES! We need more trees. Unfortunately, this country I live in keeps destroying them for construction sites. It's mind boggling especially since we are now currently experiencing so much heat and dust and wind with no end in sight according to my weather app. Rather depressing! Hope all is well with you.

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