Saturday, June 5, 2021

Window Boxes and Faithful Pansies


While at a garden nursery recently, the sweet-faced pansies and perky petunias both vied for attention.

So several colorful containers of each came home with me, for the window boxes and planters on the sides of the stairs out in front of the house.


Since putting them into the potting soil, they have been getting drinks with plant food mixed in.

They are so precious, beautiful, and generous with their blooms. 

Flowers truly are extra special gifts.



diane stetson said...

Oh the flowers are all so beautiful Susan. I do not plant things. I do not have a green thumb at all....but your's are lovely.

Red Rose Alley said...

Your plantwea look so nice, Susan. Love all the colors. My mini roses are finally opening up, and they are the prettiest pink color. Not sure yet what the other bush is, as my neighbor gave them both to me to plant. Enjoy the flowers you brought home from the nursery. I'm sure they bring you joy to look at every day. The purple ones are so pretty.


Laurel Wood said...

I love your window boxes. The colors are so pretty. I often plant pansies in pots but here in the south, we plant them in October and they last until March.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oooops, I meant to write planters. Guess I was typing too fast. We sometimes do that, don't we? haha

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