Wednesday, August 4, 2021

A Happy Heart

There's a lot of truth in the small saying shown above.

If a heart is unhappy, it would be impossible to love all, wouldn't it?

Only a happy heart has the ability to reach out, to serve others, to embrace all ethic backgrounds and skin colors, and to love all.

How does one acquire a happy heart?

Surely there are many ways and each human being must figure out what works for him/her.

Personally, my own opinion of how to have a happy heart is to stay close to God, to find contentment in little things, to avoid anger and resentment, to eliminate all forms of judging, to avoid gossipping, to forgive, to be compassionate, generous, and kind, and to add as much love as possible to the world. 



R's Rue said...

I needed to see this post. I’m happy I stopped by here today. God Bless.

diane stetson said...

I agree with all you said about having and making a happy heart Susan. I hope you have a lovely day today.

Red Rose Alley said...

Just one thing to say about your post, Susan........perfect. You are a beautiful woman. : )

My Tata's Cottage said...

I love seeing a happy post. I think Kindness is a free gift we all need to use more often. Considering the ways of this world, I find it hard to be happy and positive sometimes. My mom would tell me, life is hard, pray harder and so I do. Have a beautiful weekend.

Linda O'Connell said...

One simple kindness passed on creates a ripple. Your positive post is inspiring.

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