May your day be peaceful.
No matter how much chaos and discord exists in the world, try to remain at peace within your heart.
Remember that God, Himself, said the peace He gives to us is not the peace of the world.
We need to concentrate on that thought and stay close to God.
Treasure each new day of life.
Look for the best in people in your life.
Talk good about everyone you know. There is enough strife in the world. Be a peacekeeper.
I wish you a relaxing, gentle day today.
Susan, thank you for this beautiful, peaceful post. I really needed it right now. : )
I think I will try to stay away from world news. So many horrible things happening these days. I will concentrate on my own things and pray for all others.
Funny this should be your post when I need it most. Have had heart arrythmia for nearly 3 weeks now. Did all the tests. Cardiologist says limit my stress. I have a tendency to get caught up in all the bad news and that negative energy has taken it's toll. Take care and have a good week.
Same things keep me at peace. I trust God wholeheartedly. I believe I was not meant for this world so I go through it, I try to use kindness and gentle words. It is so hard some days. But other days I think the world is so full of beans! there is so much goodness still here and we need to seek it. PEACE and LOVE to you.
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