Friday, September 24, 2021

Colorful Flowers Are Still A-Bloom

Remember my promise to show you my friend Christina's gardening skills?

Well, today's the day.

 Rather than describe her as having a "green thumb,"  she's heard me say she has 10 green fingers!

The patio of her enchanted gingerbread cottage has so many flowers bobbing in the breeze it makes one's head spin.

 They are equally picturesque.

From the first pot she puts down in the spring to the last possible day at the end of fall, Christina's garden blooms are splendid.



diane stetson said...

Your friends garden flowers are very pretty. I'm sure she enjoys them and so does her visitors. Very colorful and a good variety.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

So lush and lovely. I'm looking forward to cooler weather and all the flowers that are to bloom in the coming months.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Lovely to see your friend's garden and her gorgeous flowers.

Your question about what we like in a bouquet for the kitchen table. In a nutshell, just about any flower that's in season. At this time of year, I am partial to the bright autumn colours of chrysanthemums, sunflowers, rudbeckia. We still have sweet peas blooming, and I love how their fragrance scents the whole house when I bring in a bouquet.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend, Susan.
Brenda xo

Linda O'Connell said...

Don't stop now. There are a few more days left in your birthday month. Celebrate!

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