Friday, October 29, 2021

Small Touch Decorating

Part of the joy that goes with decorating one's home is moving small treasures around from room to room.

In an upstairs bathroom, there's a greeting card with a special message.

It's on a little stand and right smack dab in front of it, is a precious little tin angel. 

Even though her wing fell off, at one point, it was glued back on.  She stays because she's so darned cute.

Norman Vincent Peale's small book on his favorite quotations is nearby, too. His writing always lifts the heart and spirit. 


The daily miracles don't have to be big in order to qualify as miracles. 

 A phone call from a loved one, a greeting card in the mail, or finding a new flavor of ice cream, like egg nog, can all be considered mini-miracles.

 If they make us happy, they make the cut!



1 comment:

Red Rose Alley said...

Miracles are very special, and I have had a few happen to me throughout
my life. But blessings come to me every day, RAIN, deer at the creek,
food in my fridge, anticipated mail, cozy house to decorate for Christmas,
in-laws moving close by, and friends like you. Too many to write down,
but I appreciate them every single day.

Have a blessed weekend, dear Susan.


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