Saturday, November 20, 2021

Driving into Sunset

While driving home from shopping the other day,  the car climbed a slight hill and ran straight into a magnificent sunset.

The sky was so brilliant, so incredible, that I gasped slightly.  

 What an unbelievable sight unfolded in front of the windshield.

All that went through my mind besides the glorious light was how awesome it would be to see the three trees on the right lit up for Christmas with hundreds of white lights!

Wouldn't that be amazing?

No matter how many sunsets one has seen in a lifetime, each new one is a thrill to observe.

What a Creator we have to give us so much beauty.

It's a wonder our hearts don't burst with an overflow of gratitude for the natural world around us.




Red Rose Alley said...

What an incredible sunset, Susan. And it looks like the roads are a bit icy already. I was just telling my son this morning that when I went to Rite Aid, I saw the big tree lit up, the sunrise coming up, a little snow on top of the mountain, and tall trees to the right and left of me. It was so magical, and I wish I had my camera, but didn't. I'm so glad you had yours for this beautiful sunset. : )


diane stetson said...

Yes I live on a hill and each late afternoon there is a lovely sunset to my right that I see as I drive into my garage. I love sunsets. I'm not up early enough to see sunrises....You take beautiful photos Susan.

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