A couple of years ago she gave me an angel that brings ongoing peace and comfort.
The angel came with a small plastic bag of different colored hearts that can be changed according to season or whim.
Right now, an orange heart illuminates her chest, since it's still fall on the calendar.
It will soon be switched to either red or green for the Christmas season.
Angel has a switch on the bottom that can turn her on or off or put her on a timer.
My angel is set on the latter.
So every night, before I even think of it, she turns on automatically.
It's usually right before I walk up the stairs to bed.
Sure enough, a little "click" sound comes into the hall, and the lighted angel bids me goodnight.
What a treasure this little angel is to me.
Good job, Jana!
She lives on the front hall table, along with a photo of Mary in a sparkling, pink bejeweled frame.
Two baby angels lay down in front of it and look up at the heavenly vision.
A Mary and Baby Jesus statue is on the table, too.
I hope you have a perfect day, today, with plenty of angelic peace!
Oh that lighted angle is unique and very pretty. I think it kind of acts like a night light too. Very sweet of your friend to send it to you.
What a darling and unique little angel. I can believe she is a source of comfort. Have a good week.
You have the most unique treasures in your house, Susan. I've never seen anything like this before. What a treat to change the heart to different colors according to the seasons or holidays. I am familiar with that picture of Mary and Jesus. I've seen it before, and have always loved it. And the Mary statue is beautiful. It looks like your hall table is festive for Autumn, along with a few very special items that are close to your heart.
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