Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Baby "Tomahtoes"

For the past few years, one of the highlights of summer has been a hanging small tomato plant.

It hangs from the back porch and sprouts dozens upon dozens of luscious little red globes.

They start out as green ones, of course.

But as time passes, the green globes get a red blush and then turn into bright red small tomatoes.

The local grands go nuts over  the hanging tomato plant. 

They make a beeline to the back porch as soon as they arrive, pluck the little red tomatoes, and pop them straight into their little mouths.

They lift up the branches, hoping to find some hiding.

It's so darned cute!

Luckily, I found this summer's tomato plant and bought it right away.

 It was challenging lifting it up by myself to the hook on the back porch that my late hubs put there but I did it.  

The small red tomatoes are now in the process of growing and changing color into bright, red, juicy and yummy tidbits.



Red Rose Alley said...

Your little tomato plant will be wonderful when the kids come by and grab a few and pop them in their mouths. I just love homegrown tomatoes, and I think I mentioned to you that my Dad had a garden across the street from our house, and would bring home some nice juicy tomatoes. There's nothing like them. I'm glad you found one that the kids can enjoy this Summer. Good for you for lifting the heavy plant unto the hook, Susan. Your husband would be smiling. : )


diane stetson said...

I do not grow my own tomatoes, but I love to eat
them that is for sure.

Linda O'Connell said...

Growing tomatoes used to be my husband's greatest delight. Past two years they had a viral wilt and so no planting this year. Love home grown tomatoes.

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