Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Flowers from the Heart

 A kind delivery person, on this past Mother's Day, brought one of the most beautiful flower bouquets of my lifetime, to my house.

It has a wide expanse and is filled with huge blooms in many colors. 

It is truly a gorgeous bouquet of beautiful, unique, and even exotic flowers.

My son and daughter-in-law sent it to me from out-of-state.

A second bouquet came in the form of a creative and colorful Mother's Day card with a gift as well.

It was from my daughter and son-in-law. I loved that one, too.

 It is gratifying to a mother to be acknowledged and honored every day of the year, of course, but in a special way on Mother's Day.  

Personally, I love Mother's Day and hope it never loses its popularity.



Brenda @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

What a gorgeous bouquet of flowers, Susan! It must have delighted your heart to the core! I think Mother's Day is a wonderful celebration.

I'm so grateful for my own mother and the immense love and support she gave me and my siblings as we grew up. I so appreciate her continued love and presence in my life -- she'll be 87 this year.

My Tata's Cottage said...

My mother was a great mom. She was a great cook and she was a strict mom when needed as dad was a steel worker and worked long hours. MIssing them both as these wonderful holidays roll around. They were the best parents a girl could have had. Faith, Phamily, that is how we were raised and all the sacfrifices they made. we were loved and raised right. I really miss them.
Your flowers and card are so lovely. It is very nice to be remembered on this day isn't it?
I will have to post eventually about the gifts I received. With our son Nick being in the hospital and now waiting for a biopsy result, it has been a tough week. But we were all together for an early Mother's Day dinner at a favorite buffet . They make crepes to order and it is a favorite place to visit. Sunday we had a brunch at our home and it was a great time too.
It was nice to see you here. Have a wonderful weekend. The days go by so quickly.

diane stetson said...

A Mother's influence and love are taken for granted until you become a mother yourself. That is when you really appreciate all that she gave to make you the person you are.

Linda O'Connell said...

In the beginning she mothered me and in the end I mothered her.

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