Sunday, July 10, 2022

Is It Good to Follow Your Heart?

  Here's a question for you that begs to be answered.

Sincerely, I cannot wait to read what your written answer.

"Is it a good thing to follow your heart?"

In business matters, for example, isn't it better to follow your head rather than your heart?

What about a gargantuan move from a house to an apartment? Head or heart?

I imagine that everyone has his or her own journey in life that determines whether it's best to use head or heart.  

Most of the time, though, for me, it's the heart.



Jackie See said...

I believe in intuition. Which feeling is the strongest? I married a man because of my heart and it was the best decision I have ever made. ~jackie~

Red Rose Alley said...

We never know what the outcome will be when we take that next step, but I think it's important and good that we made a decision. I do believe that good things happen in every direction we turn. I look back on some decisions, and say, "why did I choose that?" But then, many good things happened along the journey and many memories and special friendships were made. I do know that God knows where we are going to land even before we get there, so trust in Him. To answer your question, I guess I used my head AND my heart to make a decision, and a whole lot of praying. ; ) Bless you, dear Susan, and you have so much love, so you can't go wrong.


Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Yes, one has to listen to their heart....
Thanks so much for stopping by and for taking the time to leave such a kind comment!!

diane stetson said...

I listen to my head and my heart and write pros and cons whenever I make a huge decision in my life. Some of my choices have not been good following my heart but that's life. Use both head and heart and that will be the best.

Brenda @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Susan, I read this post a few days ago and have been mulling your question ever since.

For the main part, I would say it is good to follow one's heart. The heart wants what the heart wants, and denying it because it seems reasonable won't make the desire go away.

That said, I think it is good for the rational mind and the emotional heart to weigh in each with her own concerns when a decision needs to be made. I'd make a list of the reasons why I would go ahead and then make a list of the reasons why I should not proceed. In that little exercise, often clarity comes. A person starts to see what is really important about it all.

One thing I also take to heart is that word in Philippians 4: 6-7 about not being anxious about anything but thankfully presenting my requests to God. When we do, He promises that His peace that passes all understanding will garrison and mount guard over our heart and mind.

When I ask for guidance, I listen -- do I feel at peace in my heart about the decision I'm making. I've had times where a sense of peace floods over my heart and mind and then I know it's okay to move forward. I've also had it happen where my heart gets agitated or stays unsettled, and then I know I need to wait or not go ahead. Perhaps you've had that happen too. I think that is how He most often guides our steps - whether we have the peace about it or not.

I hope that makes sense. I hope that helps in some little way.
Brenda xo

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