Thursday, September 1, 2022

The Gift of Tomatoes

How can any summer lunch be more delicious than a fresh tomato, bacon, and lettuce sandwich?

If it's made on a soft, sweet roll, doused with mayo and salt, it's a taste of heaven!

 Oh yeah. Fresh tomatoes from the garden cannot possibly be beat for flavor and "yummyness."

My daughter and SIL have supplied me with wonderful small baby tomatoes and fat, juicy red big ones, too, from their garden.

Nothing can compare to the taste of these red globes of all sizes.

Okay, no bacon?  Then just use sliced tomatoes on a roll with salt and mayo.  Divine.

The taste of fresh from the garden tomatoes simply cannot be beat.

 Next winter, when they come from the super, tomatoes will taste like balls of red plastic.  Yucky.

So for now, fresh BLTs and sliced tomato sandwiches are just part of end-of-summer's rewards.




Linda O'Connell said...

I have been craving home grown tomatoes. No garden this year. You are right, they taste so delicious.

diane stetson said...

My favorite sandwich is a BLT...yes leave the bacon. I love tomatoes from the garden. I remember you had a plant that provided them too and your grandchildren ate them off the vine. I'd love to take one right out of your picture this morning and munch it...

Red Rose Alley said...

Susan, I smiled at the sandwich suggestion, because my favorite Aunt used to eat plain tomato and mayonnaise sandwiches. Me, I would be happy with a tomato picked right from the garden with just a little salt. There's nothing like home grown, is there? Enjoy your tomatoes, Susan.


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