Friday, February 24, 2023

Chilly Weather

Temps outside are very frigid today.

Wind is whipping mightily.

Winter is definitely still here and spring is more than a thought away.

If weather where you live is freezing today, keep warm and cozy inside.

Think about what kinds of flowers you want to grow in pots or window boxes this spring. 

Just thinking about that helps.

Snuggle under warm blankets and sip hot herbal tea.

Hope your day is cozy and comfy.



diane stetson said...

It's very cold and rain is expected all day here in So. Cal. Very unusual for us but I keep warm by putting a log in my fireplace, turning the heat up and snuggling in my electric throw blanket. I make things like chili and home made soups and dream of the sunshine again.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I think our cold weather is over. It's getting up to 70 again during the day. Sending warm wishes your way.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

We got some low-elevation snow this morning - 6-8 inches. Everyone is happy about it because it is so rare. It's been fun.

Jackie See said...

40 degrees F here in the heart of the Ozarks. Cloudy, damp and cold. I love staying warm by wearing a comfy warm camisole under my favorite long sleeve hoodie (happens to be a KC Chiefs Suer Bowl Champion hoodie today), paired with my favorite Levi jeans, warm socks and my uggs boots. I feel toasty. Now for that cup of hot tea you suggested... and a warm blanket... and Ms. Kitty Russell our rescue cat. Stay warm. ~jackiesee~

Red Rose Alley said...

We had another big snowfall this week, Susan, and it's been really cold here too. Just trying to bundle up with warm sweaters, and we will have another couple months of Winter before we see Spring. The thought of flowers and just colorful arrangements around the house is a nice idea. Thanks.


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