Slices of life, both written and photographed.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

How to Get a Happy Heart

The little wooden figurine pictured in today's post carries an important message.

It's really true that a happy heart loves all.

 (Well, can we change that to almost all? There are some really terribly behaved human beings in this world who hurt others. Those without a conscience are the hardest to love, I think.)

How do we show love?

Here's a mini-list:

* Try to look at the best in a person, rather than the worst.

* Refrain from talking negatively about someone. Instead, think of his/her good traits and concentrate on those instead.

* Be kind toward all, including crabby clerks or other kinds of workers. One never knows what is going on in their personal lives.

* If someone yells at you, refrain from yelling back. If you have to respond, do it in a "whispery" voice.

* Take deep breaths when someone is bugging you. Then, exit the room as soon as possible.

* Be kind and understanding.   

*  Stay away from gossip and people who gossip.  If that person talks about others, you know he/she is going to talk about you, too!

* Pray for people who bug you, who get under your skin.  They need prayers more than anything.

* Appreciate those who love you. Tell them you love them. Be good to them.  They are in your life for a purpose.

* Be gentle with yourself. 

* Stay close to God.



Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I definitely agree that there are just some people who make it very hard to find any good because their behavior and mindset is so atrocious. I stay clear of those kind of people as best I can. I think you posted a very good list here of ways to stay calm and show love.

Gloria said...

When there are people in my life that I really don't get along with, I try to take the time to really pray for them and for my attitude. I often find that it changes my heart towards them and even if there is no affection there can at least be respect.

Red Rose Alley said...

What a wonderful list, and very special too. It was much needed to read your list today, as I have someone in my life who is bugging me at the moment haha. You are such a good person, Susan, and the last one on your list is best of all. We can get through many difficulties when we stay close to God. Your little "happy heart girl" is the cutest.


diane stetson said...

I stay away from anyone who has a negative attitude towards me and pray for them. Only God knows how they feel and what their problem is. Very good list of things to think about Susan. Thank you.

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