Slices of life, both written and photographed.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Winter Is Not "Ovah"

This time the weather predictors were right on the money, or, more correctly, on the snowflakes!

We have gotten a humongous abundance of snow and more is falling by the multi-millions of flakes from the sky!

Holy mackerel, I am more than grateful that my snow shoveling days appear to be over.

Looking out the window of my temporary home, children are making me laugh out-loud.

 Little ones have an immense spirit of pure joy with the snow.

They trudge into it up to their middles, shovel circles around themselves, and then, finally, fall directly into the white stuff, face first, tasting its numbing properties. 

 Watching from the window, it does my heart good to see them. 

 I, of course, am warm and cozy inside the house for the photos of the kids.

Whoever wants to go outside, may God bless 'em.  

 Enjoy the many photos of today's winter wonderland!

(I took the photos from the front porch and then ran back, as fast as possible, into the house.) 



Diane said...

No snow where I live but we’ve had our share of rain this year. Love all your winter photos. Thanks for sharing.

Red Rose Alley said...

There's nothing like seeing children playing in the snow. And we tend to be like kids with the snow too. My grown son made me a little snowman for me to see when I drove in the side driveway. I love your snow photos today, Susan. Thanks for taking them, as I never tire of the beautiful white fluff. I do my share of shoveling, cause the road workers get the streets, but not our driveways. I must come back this week and see your white winter land. So pretty, and it looks like you got the same amount as us. : )


Nellie said...

I think a snowfall is pretty, though the work that comes with a deep snowfall like in your pictures is no fun! We are having no snow here, just cold temperatures and wind.

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