Saturday, June 24, 2023

Summer----Full Speed Ahead


 Summer is here in all her glory.

This is the time for enjoying time outdoors and running inside for cool air-conditioning.

It's time for hamburgers, hotdogs, and potato salad, drives through the countryside, and some vacation days away from home.

Ice cream is always delicious but it tastes even better on a hot, summer day.

Flowers make summer extra special, especially happy-faced pansies who are as hardy as they are beautiful.

 Enjoy your summer days because, as we all know, they don't last too long.


diane stetson said...

Well summer lasts quite a long time depending on where you live. We have hot temps well into October where I live. Enjoy the summer days while they last.

Red Rose Alley said...

The lilacs are so pretty in the glass vase, Susan. And that deep purple pansy is gorgeous. Summertime, not my favorite, but there's always something to love about each season. Just bought some pistachio ice cream. You're right, it always taste better in the Summertime. ; )


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