Sunday, September 17, 2023

New Day, New Thoughts

 Every day we get to wake up is a gift.

While it's easy to repeat the same thoughts and same behaviors each day we live, it's refreshing and challenging to change a little.

Instead of doing everything the same, try something a little different.

Personally, instead of worrying and fretting over all there is to be done in the settling after moving process, it's good to just think of all there is to be thankful for each day.

 When all the things to be grateful for flash through the mind, the result is very thrilling.

May you have a great day today and, if you choose and want to, try doing something a little different than usual and think of the many blessings and unexpected gifts you have received throughout the years.

It may just give you a new lease on life.


Linda O'Connell said...

That is a pretty pink vase! Have a good week.

Red Rose Alley said...

A very nice sentiment, Susan. Love the cranberry glass vase.


diane stetson said...

Have a lovely time with your friend today Susan. Enjoy the last week of summer as fall starts this coming week.

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