Monday, September 18, 2023

Little Light Is a Keeper


Many years ago, while perusing a Cracker Barrel gift shop, a gorgeous little number caught my eye.

It was a very small on the top with dangling crystals all around the bottom rim of the glass shade.

 This kind of petite and beautiful lamp made my heart sing then and still does now.

At the time I found the lamp, money was very tight (some things never change) but I bought it.

Many moves and years later, the little pink and crystal lamp remains. 

With this most recent move, the exquisite little lamp has finally been found again and unpacked.  

It leaves pretty designs on the wall near it. I just love it. 



Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

How pretty. What a little treasure to find again and again. Some things are just worth it for the joy they continue to give.

I have a little desk lamp in stained glass with a rose motif. I bought it years ago and it continues to delight me. It still sits on my desk by the window.

diane stetson said...

Most all the things I have were bought many years ago. I love your lamp and I'm so happy you saved it on all your moves.

Red Rose Alley said...

That little light IS a keeper, Susan. It's delightful and so pretty. I've been looking around for small lights, and I found a few at the home shop in town, but they're so expensive. I like yours cause it's petite and provides a little light to your space. I'm so glad you found it and put it out.

To answer your question.....most of the things in my house are from a long time ago. But there are a few delightful new things that I've bought along the way. But the old stuff are really treasures, aren't they?


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