Slices of life, both written and photographed.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

A Sign to Remember...



The simple wooden sign with the special message to "Choose Happy" sits on a shelf in the apartment bathroom. 

It's amazing to think one has the ability to choose to be happy.

 There are so many terrible things happening in our world with wars and hunger, fighting, and on and on.

How can a person be happy amidst such chaos?

The answer is we can choose to be happy within our own lives---within our tiny little worlds.

It's possible to cherish the little things, to show kindness to others, to appreciate a warm bed at night and fresh coffee with half and half in the morning, bright colors, laughter and shopping, kittens and candlelight, faith in God that eventually everything will be okay,  and so many hundreds of other gifts given without our asking for them.

So today, choosing happy sounds like a good idea.

How about you?


Red Rose Alley said...

These are very special words, indeed, Susan. And what a wonderful reminder as we enter into the month of November, to be aware of our blessings, and to just choose "happy." I love those orange flowers in the glass vase. They are so Fall looking.

Wishing my dear blog friend happy November days and maybe a few pleasant surprises. ; )


diane stetson said...

Love the flowers. Perfect for fall. I choose to be happy each and every day no matter what comes my way.

Anonymous said...

Love the song “Happy” by Pharrell Williams. Makes you wAnna dance!

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