Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Sources of Joy


One way to continue to survive in life when difficulties, disappointments, and problems seem to take over, is to look for things, no matter how small, that bring joy.

A special phone call, an unexpected text that touches one's heart, a song that squeezes the soul, a hug, a photo, and a special meal-----all of these are little sources of joy.

On Mother's Day, joy came at a lovely  luncheon prepared by a niece, as well as time spent with sisters and a special friend.

Right before leaving, one of my sisters went outside and cut some beautiful tulips for me to bring home. More joy!

They are so precious and bring me renewed joy every time I look at them and remember the kindness shown to give them to me.  



diane stetson said...

Well I bought twenty yellow tulips to give to my daughter in law for Mother's day. That brought me joy. I love the colors you have .

Jackie See said...

I received several wonderful Mother's Day texts from other Mother's children on MOther's Day. Our kids have all passed, so this made me smile on MOther's Day. I also bought a beautiful flowering impatience basket for my cousin who also has buried all of her children. I hope she loves it! This brought me smiles, joy and gratitude on this MOther's Day. Thank you for posting! ~jackieseeme~

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