Saturday, September 7, 2024

Angel Doll

The smallest ever angel doll, probably four inches tall, has been packed away in a plastic bin for about two years.

She's dressed in a pale pink outfit.

The bin, along with many other dolls, books, diaries, and more, is in a storage unit.

The possessions are there because the apartment is too small to accommodate them.

Consequently, I am trying to go through each plastic tote.

It is a daunting task. 

The only thing joyful about it is coming across items I haven't seen in a long while.

Angel doll and the small chair she's now sitting on are two of them.

Yes, she has a boo boo on her foot that broke off in transit but it's not even that important to me. 

The most important thing is that she's back.

The doll and chair are a perfect fit!

Angel doll is so very comfy and I'm so glad she is home at last.



diane stetson said...

Since I am in my home still I have storage in the attic and the garage. We do not have basements in So Cal. I think your angel doll in pink is adorable. Glad you found her.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Right now plastic storage containers in the garage. We don’t have AC in our garage so I’m always concerned how the heat affects my treasures.
Your angel doll is precious. I can see why you live it.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

What a pretty little doll. Even though you can't display everything, it's lovely that you can still unpack something and enjoy it in the moment. Such little treasures add delight to our lives.

Red Rose Alley said...

Angel doll is just precious, Susan. I love everything about her - her tiny body, her thick curly hair, her head piece, and her soft pink dress. You're right, it doesn't matter if her foot is broken, she is just too darling to give away. And that tiny chair! I'm glad you found her again and put her out!

to answer your question.....
I have a china cabinet that has a rather big area to store items that are not being used at the time. Also, some of my old treasures are in boxes in my closet. ; )


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