Monday, September 9, 2024

Fall Flowers, Fake and Fabulous




Some decorative items are forever keepers.

Once, at an outdoor yard sale, the fall flowers shown in today's post, just about jumped into my car.

 They are so colorful-----so reminiscent of autumn.

The lady at the yard sale who created the bouquet, made it known that the flowers cost an arm and a leg.

 Yet she was selling them for less than $10 for the entire bouquet.

They survived my last move and took up valuable shelf space in the apartment's one closet.

However, it has been worth it.

To lift the lovely bouquet from a high shelf in the closet and set it on the living room buffet has brought me so much joy.

They don't have to be watered and they don't attract bugs.

They just bring a touch of fall elegance.



Diane Stetson said...

My good friend made me a fall fake flower basket and I just put it out on my porch today. Love yours too.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

They’re beautiful and so colorful. The artificial flowers they have now are so much nicer now. Outside an upscale restaurant here I noticed an oak barrel of beautiful flowers. On closer review they were artificial - I even had to ask my husband if I was right because they even felt real. Beautifully done. I asked them and I was told the flowers came from Hobby Lobby. I may do this as well.

Shug said...

wow...that was a good price. Flowers are so expensive these days, even when Hobby Lobby has them at 40% off. Lately, I've purchased my cemetery flowers at the dollar store. They are just as pretty and for the length of time they are used, it works out perfect. Your arrangement speaks volumes of Fall.. So very pretty!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh my, I love this Fall bouquet of Mums. I just bought one tall flower at a home shop in town, and it was pricey! You're right, flowers can be expensive, especially for a whole bouquet like this. You got a great deal on them. They look so Fallish, and lovely on your table. Mums just say, "Fall is here!."

Have a terrific week, Susan.


Anonymous said...

I have a beautiful fall wreath. That’s my favorite!

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