Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Orchid Joy


There  is just something about orchids that touches the heart.

They are such majestic, regal plants.

While browsing in Homegoods, (the store that has the hugest number of gorgeous things one does not necessarily need but loves), a small group of faux orchids stood on a shelf.

 Some were fashioned with the most gorgeous shade of pink flowers that I've ever seen.

To quell the propensity to buy "things" at this stage of life and spend money I don't have, a special written list was devised.

It's called "Things I Would Buy If I Had Money." 

A pink orchid from Homegoods went on that list.

A very dear out-of-town friend visited recently and gave me a gift card as a Christmas and New Year present.

A return trip to Homegoods was in order. If the pink orchids were still displayed, one could come home with me. If they were sold out, then it wasn't meant to be. That was my line of thinking.

Two pink orchids were left! One happily jumped into the shopping cart.

This orchid stands almost three feet high at its tallest point.

 The color lights up any room it is in. Right now, it's with a "living" pink hyacinth on the small table where meals are eaten.

Pink orchid brings immense joy as well as a heart filled with gratitude for a dear and loving friend's generosity.

One item is now scratched off that special list!


Red Rose Alley said...

The Pink Orchid is pretty, and I'm so glad it was there when you went back to Home Goods. So nice of your friend to give you a gift card for the new year. Gotta love those gift cards. My sister just got two for her birthday, and it totaled to $50 at Starbucks! ; ) Have a wonderful week, Susan.


Shug said...

This pink orchid was meant just for you and God made away for you to get it. So pretty...I think the orchids look the most real out of all the faux flowers. Hope you enjoy this and that it brightens your day...every day.

Diane Stetson said...

What a beautiful orchid and your favorite color. It will bring you lots of enjoyment whenever you look at it. Good purchase.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

What a beautiful color. Wow

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

From the pictures I thought it was real. I took care of a friend's orchid over the summer. It wasn't in flower but two new leaves did emerge. I gave it back to her when she returned and she rescued two more from the garbage that someone had thrown out.

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