Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Flashes of Comfort


Winter can be depressing, at times, in New England. 

Many days dawn without sun and that makes for dark gray surroundings.

Today is one of those days. 

 One must work hard to keep negative thoughts from creeping in.

One way to do that is to have things in one's indoor environment that provide flashes of comfort.

One of those around here is to burn candles with nice fragrances. 

A spicy candle reminiscent of cinnamon and freshly baked cookies just burned out this morning.


Looking into a stash of other candles, one called "strawberry pound cake" got retrieved.

Since there are absolutely no plans to make a strawberry pound cake any time soon, the candle will suffice nicely and not add a single calorie.

 Also providing flashes of comfort are plants, including a brave little pink hyacinth.  

 The other day, a sweet fragrance was detected in the living room that did not come from a candle. Then I remembered the hyacinth on the little table and gave her a thumbs up.

A very beautiful needlepoint with deep pink roses against a black velvet background has been turned into a pillow case.

Several winters ago, I brought the piece of needlepoint on black velvet into a consignment shop that offered lots of hand sewn creations.

The owner happily agreed to turn the velvet needlepoint piece into a pillowcase so she was immediately hired.

That piece of velvet with needlepoint flowers must have taken someone a long time to create. 

 It deserves to have a spotlight and a new role. Plus, it's another flash of comfort.

So the flashes of comfort make the long, freezing cold winter days more bearable.

 Oh, my goodness, the sun just popped out! It won't be around for long but while it's here, it'll be considered it another flash of comfort (and light!)


Shug said...

It does require a special place of its own. Beautiful piece of artwork and I can't imagine how many hours went in to creating it. You are so right Susan...a sweet candle and the beautiful fragrance of the hyacinth can make the day so much better. Raining here!

Diane Stetson said...

Bright sunshine where I live today but cool temps. I love sunshine and have it just about every day so I’m lucky. Your pink colors will help lift your spirits when the sun doesn’t shine ! Good work !

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Yes, it's so nice to have these flashes of comfort in the wintertime, especially comfort foods. And candles are always a good way to bring warmth and cozy to the home. Your pink hyacinth is pretty, Susan. I went to the nursery today, and there are no flowers out yet. Will have to wait another month or so. I especially like that black velvet pillow case with the pink flowers. It looks like you, and I know we both love velvet. I hope you find many flashes of comfort in the cold and dreary days ahead.


Gloria said...

The Norwegians and Danes would say you are creating hygge, a feeling of friendly comfort. I love candles and books and a quiet afternoon by a fire. We are enjoying sunshine here at the moment but it is very, very cold!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

It all looks so pretty and inviting!

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