Sunday, February 2, 2025

Peace to All

Hello Dear Blog Peeps...

Each day I try to put aside at least one item to sell or give away.

This is part of the gargantuan, never-ending effort to downsize and live less cluttered where I have ended up-----a small but pretty apartment.

When looking at the wooden icon on my dresser, it was determined that is one thing I'll never give away.  Ever.

It belonged to my late husband and is very pretty with so much gold.

Two little "doors" can close to cover up the inside but it's always left open around here.

However, most of all , it honors the Blessed Mother, to whom my husband was very devoted. I revere her, as well.

The handmade icon actually copies a "Byzantine icon worked on canvas, old wood and set in a gold background,"  according to information glued on the back.

Mary, the Mother of God, is so very precious as she carried and bore the Prince of Peace, the King of all the Universe.  

Through good and bad times, she is always present in hearts and is a powerful intercessory to her Son. 

Seeing the icon brings me peace.

That's what is wished to you today-----the sweet gift of peace in your heart.


Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Susan, I love this. I have one very similar in wood with two
doors, and I think I got it at the Greek festival one year. What a lovely item to remember your husband, but also to see Mother Mary every day and think about her life with her Son. This is definitely something to treasure always. You are doing a great job sorting out and deciding which things to keep and give away. It's not an easy process. Thank you for your wish of peace today, and I am wishing you beautiful and blessed February days, Susan.



Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Yep, that’s definitely a keeper! Beautiful

Shug said...

Susan...this is a beautiful, priceless treasure for you to hang on to and cherish. I have never seen one like it. There are some things that are just to valuable to let go of. Value doesn't always come with monetary connections. Some of the most valuable things in life come from love and the history of something that brings peace, memories and happiness.

Diane Stetsn said...

I love that icon. I have a similar one. I’m also devoted to Mary. I think she intercedes for us in all our prayers to Jesus. Good luck with your purging.

Debbie said...

What a unique piece and with such precious memories :) Thank you for the sweet comment on my blog today! I did answer your question about how I got the name Millie. I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts. Happy Sunday!

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