Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dolly Bookmark

One of the best reasons to shop in thrift stores is one never knows what will be found!

It's like going on a gigantic treasure hunt.

Two favorite collections in the whole world are 1) Books and 2) Dolls. Can you imagine finding a "treasure" that combines the two?

Well, here she is! She's a dolly bookmark! How unique is that? She's not much more than seven inches tall and she has the sweetest face you can imagine. Her purple outfit is made of long strands of tassel with a tiny skirt. Her delicate arms cross in front of her.

Dolly bookmark has a long strand behind her which slips on to the page one is reading.

She is truly one-of-a-kind and is definitely worth the $2.99 sticker price!

What's one of the best and most unique things you've ever found in a thrift store?


Chatty Crone said...

I found a set of pug dogs - salt and pepper shakers - tan for salt and black for pepper and they had magnets in their noses and latched on together.

Love your find too!


Susan said...

Oh, Sandie, the pug dogs sound so cute! So happy you stopped by and left a comment! Have a super Monday. Sincerel, Susan

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