Today, Writing Straight from the Heart, joins a Simple Pleasures party where bloggers write about what they consider is a simple pleasure to them.
Dayle, from the blog "A Collection of This and That" sponsors the Simple Pleasures party. Please take a minute to check out all the other simple pleasure entries by clicking on :( ).
This has been the harshest winter in a long, long time.
It definitely wins the prize for the most snow accumulation, coldest temps, and ongoing weatherman predictions of "more," since I returned to the east from the southwest in 2002.
The one comforting aspect of winter, to date, has been having a fire in the living room fireplace. As soon as the prediction for a new storm comes in, my "Boy Scout" hubby starts piling on the logs. He's a whiz at building a fire, too. He usually starts with balled up newspapers and sticks. Then he puts two fat logs on either side of the pile and one big one across the top.
I like to keep the fire going for hours. It makes the room feel cozy, just like in the time of the early settlers . The only thing missing is a pot full of homemade stew hanging over the flames!
I LOVE my fireplace, especially when my husband has made one of his fires. I happen to be sitting in front of it right now. No other place I'd rather be!
I love a fire. My hubby grew up in Lithgow, N.S.W. and is a whizz at getting the fire going.
We no longer use an open fire and we both miss the cosy feel only a fire has. Enjoy
God Bless
Barb from Australia
Oh yes-we have a woodfire! It goes day and night in our cold winters.
We love it very much and our visitors appreciate the warm glow and fragrance of our cosy fire too :-)
It's been a worse than usual winter here in the midwest, too. Your fire looks so warm and welcoming. I have a gas fireplace in the basement. It's not as enjoyable as a wood burning one, but at least the maintenance is great.
I would love to experience a winter like yours one day! The only snow I've seen fall has been on TV! I can only imagine the cosiness of a fire keeping my family warm and toasty each day and night. Perhaps one day we can do a White Christmas and enjoy what I can only gaze at longingly from my Australian summer.... sigh :)
We don't have a fireplace - never did. But I do remember my Mum having one of those fake cardboard ones at Christmas when we were little. Does that count:)
Such a beautiful fire!...I have no fire place but do love a fire. This morning it is -2 with wind chill of -16. I think I will look at your fire all day and hope seeing it makes me warm!!
Because this is a tropical country, fireplaces are not that common in houses. Nevertheless, the fancy homes does show one, though I wonder when they ever light it up?!
No, I don't have a fireplace at home, but the warm temperatures year-round make up for it :o)
have a lovely day!
Having a fireplace is my dream! so cozy~~
Looks so warm and cozy! I just did a similar post, LOL!!!
Ironically, we had a fire going last night which I love but it doesn't happen a lot. Our fireplace is gas and since we try to be frugal it doesn't get turned on very often. :(
I love a fireplace and to sit by it is so relaxing thanks for sharing.
We just love our fireplace and do the exact same thing once we hear the weather. My dog hogs the warmth by throwing herself right in front of the fireplace.
Yes, we have two. But, they're old and we're afraid to put fires in them - the house could go up! We're thinking of gas logs - carefully :)
We do have a fireplace. Unfortunately (or fortunately,maybe?) There aren't an abundance of days in Georgia where I really like a fire going. This year and last year were both cold enough to enjoy it some.
When I do?
It is definitely a simple pleasure!
we don't have one. We did in our last place but not here. Instead...we cuddle on the sofa and watch movies.
Hi Susan, Years back Hubby and I went to his parents house in the state of Washington for the holidays. I woke up super early and needed to start a fire to keep warm.
Needless to say one log and tons of newspaper does not a fire make.
Needless to say his family had a laugh lasting them the week.
My excuse is we do not use our fireplace here in the desert so I had no experience in making a fire.
I love your fireplace Susan.
Yes we have a fireplace and we tried for years to make fires. One year my husband started a fire and the flue was down and the house almost caught on fire - had to have the fire department come out.
The answer for us - gas logs - they are beautiful, warm, and safe.
You have the most beautiful home. I love that mirror over your fireplace!
We used to have a woodburner back in PA in our family room. I loved the warmth it provided but stopped using it after awhile as it was so messy to bring in the wood and the dust from it gave me colds!!
But I love to sit in front of a warm fireplace and watch the flames burn. I always have a fireplace in each of my stories:)
Susan, a fire in the fireplace is one of my very favorite things in the world! Love this, and the photos. So warm.
Your fireplace looks most cozy! We have a stove inserted in our fireplace and burn wood constantly. I love the warmth but it does require a lot of maintenance throughout the day, adding logs, waiting for them to get hot and then stoking it down. Not to mention, the messiness about the fireplace and wheel barrel after wheel barrel moving the logs dumped on the driveway to stack at the back of the house. I wonder just how many more years we will be able to continue but it does help with the heating bills and is way warmer.
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