Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Take a Moment for Your Hobby

Sometimes life feels like walking fast on a treadmill.

The days fly by, then weeks, and months. There's hardly time to slow down and smell the roses. 

That's how it's been around here lately.  There have been way too many nights of just six hours or so of sleep and that's not enough.

When the treadmill of life starts to spin out of control, it's time to stop and indulge in a hobby. Now, admittedly, I have so many hobbies it's not funny. One of them is doll collecting.

Okay, I'm a kid at heart.  Dolls are absolutely adorable to me. Due to amassing several dozen of them in all sizes, I "try" not to buy any more. Honestly I do.

One of my sweet dolls is as pretty as a picture. I've posted on her before because she's one of my favorites. If you are interested in how she was acquired, you can read about it here:  http://writingstraightfromtheheart.blogspot.com/2009/11/diamond-in-rough_07.html  And here's a post on how she got dressed to the gills for Christmas.

Recently, I wanted dress her up for Halloween. The little orange velvet Halloween hat cost 25 cents at a yard sale. I wanted to get her one of those infant outfits decorated especially for the holiday but couldn't justify spending the money.

So, zipping into a  nearby Goodwill, I was thrilled to find a very small orange dress and  bib that reads,   "My Little Pumpkin."  Total cost?  All of $2.00!

After washing the new duds, dolly got dressed up. She looks cute, don't you think?

My Halloween cutie pie now sits in a white chair on the hall table, joining a small army of scarecrows.

When I work on one of my hobbies, even if it's for a tiny bit of time, I feel happier.

What about you? 



middle child said...

I know this is weird but it seems like she is different two years later. (I went back to your '09 post) The last picture here is excellent!

BECKY said...

I love your dolls, Susan! I think most of us "girls" still love them, and I'd love to have a couple...but I have enough little "hobbies" already! My tea cup collection makes me happy. There's many things I do, that I consider a hobby: reading, baking, taking walks, taking photos. I don't think I can choose just one!

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

What a sweet doll.

diane stetson said...

My hobby is performing in reviews..This week I'm in a Give My Regards to Broadway production..three performances..whew! FUN FUN FUN

Linda O'Connell said...

Susan, this doll looks like YOU. Love her eyes. My hobbies are photography and writing and yard sales.

Terri Tiffany said...

Writing-- I find when I indulge in it and my stories--- I leave that treadmill for a little while and love it!

Chatty Crone said...

Your little girl is all dressed for Halloween 0 how cute and sweet. I know you love her. You have lots of hobbies. One I am trying to start on is cooking - lol.


The Old Parsonage said...

She's adorable and I love her Halloween outfit - great bargain shopping. And yes, I always feel better crafting or cooking.

Enjoy the rest of your week!

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