Anyone who has known and loved a father has been very blessed in life.
Throughout the years, I've met so many people who never knew the love of their fathers and the wounds in their hearts are very deep, indeed.
My father was a very humble man with a gentle and kind heart. He was generous to a fault.
He cherished his five daughters and did everything he could to provide for us. His life was hard and no one could ever count the hours he toiled at hard, manual labor in order to put food on the table.
Daddy wasn't a man who had great riches or who pretended to be someone important.
He found joy in the simplest of things. I think he would rather find the first daffodil of spring than have a pile of gold.
He'd have preferred fresh corn-on-the-cob from his garden to a fancy dinner in a restaurant.
He died in 1989 so it's been 23 years since I kissed him goodbye that last time in the hospital. There was a tear running down his cheek a few moments after he died.
I still miss him. There have been times when I think I see him driving a car down the street. My heart skips a beat and then I remember. Daddy's gone but his spirit remains in my heart.
My husband of many years is the second father figure who has made lasting impressions in my heart.
From the moment our son and daughter breathed their first breaths, their father loved them. He, too, worked extremely hard all of his life.
We had some really hard years but got through them together.
I think the secret of my husband and father making it in this difficult life is having strong faith in God. Both men never faltered in relying on the Heavenly Father to get them through the tough times.

So, having had a father and then a husband who I love with all my heart, has been a great blessing to me and I am humbly grateful.
Happy Father's Day to fathers and fathers-to-be everywhere! If you only knew how important you are in the lives of your children, you would be utterly amazed.
Today we are joining Think on These Things on Lorraine's blog, With a Grateful Prayer and a Thankful Heart.
Nice post today, Susan. My father is gone too...miss him.
Beautiful post, Susan! You are blessed! Best wishes, Tammy
You are truly blessed!
Loved the fresh veggies and raspberries from Dad's lovingly tended garden. I've not had such wonderful things since as the soil where I live is just not condusive to gardening. Dad's tending his garden in heaven now.
I lost my dad 4 years ago and I still miss him. Beautiful post!
What a beautiful post. I agree wholeheartedly - it's the faith in God that makes the difference.
I've seen it time and again in my wonderful dad, and my hubs.
Oh, Susan, I am crying reading this beautiful post! What a wonderful tribute!
So many of the words you used are the same for my father, humble, gentle. My dad was genuine. He was who he was. There were no airs. He was just a simple man who loved his family and expected nothing in return. A hero in my eyes for sure.
You asked about my vintage concrete Mary garden statue and how tall she is. I took a measuring tape out in the garden and she is just about 32", so almost 3 feet tall.
Hope you had a lovely weekend - weren't we blessed with the BEST weather?... Donna
This was such a fine post, Susan. Your father sounds like a wonderful, wonderful person.
I am blessed that my father is still with us. I enjoyed hosting him and my mother today and sharing the time with one of my sisters and her family.
Oh, Dear Susan, what a sweet and heartfelt post about your dad and your husband. What special dad's, both of them! Thanks so very much for sharing this post on Think on These Things!
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