On this most blessed of holidays, Thanksgiving Day, my heart is filled with gratitude.
There are so many things to be thankful for that if I wrote down all the of them, the list would probably go around the world and back again.
Each day of the year, when I happily write my blog posts, you come into my mind and heart.
I'm so happy to be able to share little bits and pieces of life with you.
You are always so encouraging and faithful. I love your comments and I love that you visit here often.
So, hope your day is terrific today, whether or not you celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday.
I just wanted to say THANKS FOR BEING YOU!
Susan thank you for being such a great friend!! I am looking forward to spending time with my best friend tomorrow! Hugs, Linda
Susan, I'm thankful too for your friendship and your heartfelt blog. It makes me smile, XOXO
Thank you, Susan, for your wonderful blog! The highlight of my day on Thanksgiving? Just to be able to have the family together is a highlight, regardless of whether it is a special holiday or not.
Sending wishes for a good day to you!
xo Nellie
Having both my adult children here with me which is a rare occasion and my grandkids and daughter in law and future son in law (hopefully) that is what I am most thankful for today...thanksgiving day! God has blessed us all with abundance.
Susan, I am thankful for your indomitable spirit as you post your message each day! I'm sure you have "down" days, like the rest of us, but you never fail to uplift those who read your blog. :-) My highlight will be joining Nellie and her great family for that special meal on Thursday! It's always good to be with family, no matter what the occasion might be. I hope your day will be just wonderful, with many smiles and much laughter as you relive various experiences with your dear family! Happy Thanksgiving! :-)
Wishing you and yours a blessed and wonderful day. I have pumpkin pie in the oven but couldn't find any whipped topping. Phooey! Best wishes, Tammy
Thank you Susan. I enjoy your blog and may you be blessed with family sharing on this Thanksgiving Day.
The highlight of any day and especially today is giving thanks to our great God and Saviour for His many mercies to us all and especially for giving us so much in the land where we live - no war here in this land, and a bed each night food to eat, etc. I think this Thanksgiving is a good one to count our many blessings, including our dear friends and family, God bless, Shaz in oz.x
Getting to visit my other grandson. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family - Love, sandie
The best thing is seeing my girls! We are having a blast! I am thankful for you too! :) Kit
Hi Susan..
What a lovely post.
I'm thankful for you and my other blog friends. I'm thankful for my family, especially my Hubby and Mum and for all God's blessings on my life.
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving
Barb from Australia
Such a sweet post. What a pretty turkey and pilgrim vignette. 26 family members gave thanks at my house yesterday. Today, I'm thankful that the dishes are washed and most of them put away. laurie
I had a great Thanksgiving....I am thankful to be able to visit your blog...it is kind of like calling a friend on the phone for a chat.
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