Today there was plenty of action in the kitchen as advance preparations for Thursday began.
The beginnings of stuffing took place.
Chop, chop, chopped a big bowl of celery and a small mountain of onions, then gently cooked them in butter in a frying pan on the stove.
Sliced three loaves of thick, white bread, spread them out on the oven shelves and toasted them. They'll stay in the oven all night.
Got out the recipe for a delicious cheese braid, a holiday tradition. Will work on that, along with a million other tasks, tomorrow.
So it's a busy time in the old town tonight and tomorrow!
Hope you all have a good day tomorrow, whether you are cooking or not!
Is that for your stuffing? And I am going to have dinner at my son's house this time. Have a good one. sandie
I just did my last minute shopping today; we've had a deluge of rain the last two days:-(( I will start prepping tomorrow and baking my pies tomorrow night. I baked bread today and will cube it tomorrow to dry for my dressing that I'll make Thursday morning starting at 5:00 a.m., just like Mom:-D Have a wonderful family Thanksgiving, Love, XOXO
What's my favorite thing to cook?? For Thanksgiving, I love making homemade pumpkin pies!
WOW!!! You put me to shame! I'm sure that dressing will be delicious, and I have to confess that GOOD dressing is my favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal! Here at home, I'm afraid I take the easy way out and use Stove Top or my store's generic brand. Both of those taste really good to me, without much hassle. :-) As far as cooking goes, I love to bake any kind of dessert, which is not good for me, because my hubby and I are both diabetic. Why do we always like the things that are not good for us??!? Anyway, I love making brownies, and I also enjoy eating them! :-) Your family get-together is sure to be lots of fun and very tasty as well! My hat is off to you!
Good morning, Susan. You have been busy!
I'd have to say that my favorite thing to cook is whatever I am working on at the moment. Cooking could probably be considered one of my hobbies.:) So - now, my favorite thing to cook is everything that goes into Thanksgiving dinner.
Yours is sure to be tasty! Enjoy!
xo Nellie
Happy Thanksgiving, Susan!! I've enjoyed getting to know you.
I love stuffing:)
I enjoy making shortbread cookies as I did yesterday for my best friends.
My hubby is the cook .
He can cook anything in hot meales.
Rib roast,spareribs, chops, all kinds of soups, Caseroles.
He is a keeper. His Mom taught him well being of nine and he was the oldest.
And I got to marry him instead of one of his other six brothers who dont cook. Ya for me.
Happy Thanksgiving. I will be over to help you eat it.
We had our T.Giving in Canada already.
I'm blessed this year to be going to dinner with some friends! No cooking for me, which is good since the oven just gave out! Yikes!
hugs, Linda
I think I really like to bake better than cook! I wish I could make a good homemade crust for pies, but alas....I must have a dozen NO FAIL crust recipes from lots of cooks over the I am still looking for the one that really works. I think part of it is practice and I just don't bake pies.
Have fun in the kitchen today.
Since we are going out tomorrow, I am cooking a small turkey for dinner tonight. Jimmy loves turkey leftovers.
Sounds like a lot...hope you aren't too tired to enjoy the day! I am making stuffed mushrooms...Happy Thanksgiving....
Happy Day before Thanksgiving! I am having a blast cooking away. My favorite thing to make is my Cranberry Mold. Makes the house smell divine. :) Kit
I absolutely love making the turkey and the stuffing of my favorite things to make in the whole world.
Stuffing is the best part of Thanksgiving dinner...I really enjoy cornbread stuffing but like the bread one also....gosh...I even like stove top, :)
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