Friday, March 15, 2013

Progress Continues on Dollhouse Bakery

Remember I shared with you that from time to time I would update you on progress being made in the dollhouse bakery?

Well, today I want to give you an update.

The dollhouse rooms are going to be various shops:   bakery, candy store, book shop and thrift store!

The only two started so far are the bakery and candy shop.

Today's photos show some "baking" that I've been doing. 

All of the baked goods you are looking at have been made out of colored clay that has been "baked" in the oven to harden and preserve.

Fun, fun, fun.

It's very important to allow ourselves to have a little fun with hobbies. 

At times, life can be pretty hard, don't you think?

Indulging in hobbies brings us a nice break.

It also helps de-stress and relax us.

Okay, I'll keep updating you on the dollhouse stores once in awhile.



Lady Linda said...

You granted my wish! Ohhhh, so neat! I wish we lived closer. I would love to learn how to make this goodies for my doll Annabelle. You are doing such a nice job.
I've been busy and haven't had much time to visit you. I miss it when I can't pop over. Did you get rid of the snow yet?

Linda O'Connell said...

Now I want bakery goods :)

Hindustanka said...

your bakery items made me really hungry as they look so real :)
yes, I do my hobbies quite often, especially crochet. I also paint from time to time. It's always good to have something which can't distract you from daily routine.

The Old Parsonage said...

These are too darn cute! Love the idea oh "shops!"

You know me, I've got my papercrafts and love to do a ton of other crafts!

Have a great weekend!

Rebecca said...

I just realized I've missed a few posts! Wow! You've been busy, Susan. I missed (and can't find) the post describing the shoppes. Will this involve individual "boxes" or one big dollhouse?

Your baked goods are absolutely WONderful! Is this your FIRST experience with clay "food"????

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh Susan those are wonderful they way you made them yourself. They look REAL! You out to make some to sell on Esty and Ebay - miniatures are very popular.

I am making a lot of those tie blankets right now.

Love, sandie

Ruth Kelly said...

From time to time I still get the itch to search for ancestors that I have not found.

Susan said...

How yummy your bake shoppe will be! You are so talented and I agree--you could see these, XOXO

diane.stetson said...

I think you should sell some on your ebay site too Susan. They do look real. Good job!

La Tea Dah said...

Ohhhhhh - everything looks so real and yummy! I agree --- hobbies should be fun and relaxing. It looks like yours is!

Tammy said...

Those baked goods are just adorable. You've done a great job on them. I've done a lot of crocheting today. Want to make some more bunnies. :) Best wishes, Tammy

Merlesworld said...

Pity they are made of clay they look good enough to eat, it's a great idea like a little shopping centre. Since I left work I done knitting and crocheting [not to good at that] and painting also the garden has changed a lot, having time is a great thing.
Since starting the blog I take a lot more photos and thats fun too.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I can't tell you just how much I love your dollhouse goodies! They are so realistic and, well, wonderful!

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

It looks so real, Susan. I would love to take a bite!

Gina @ VictorianWannaBe said...

Wow Susan,
I'm impressed that you are making all your bakery items! But that's a smart way to do it to keep the cost down. You've done a super job!

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