Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor Day

Labor Day is not usually a highly celebrated holiday.

People just kind of look forward to a three day weekend. 

 That, in itself, is sweet.

It's good to think that there is a holiday established specifically for  American workers and that it's been celebrated for more than 100 years!

The flag in this post flies in front of the Museum of Nature and Science in Denver, Colorado.  

We were there, recently, on  vacation. 

 The museum, by the way, is one of the very best I've ever seen.  

There will be posts coming up on some of the offerings so, if interested, stay tuned. 

In the meantime, may all readers in the USA enjoy Labor Day from start to finish!



agatek said...

You are right, the Labor Day is as important as people are respected. In Poland we have celebrated this day very pompatic during comunistic rulers. No many people have celebrated it from the capitalist changes have started. I admire You American People for you understand primary importance of this day. I wish You a nice monday.

diane.stetson said...

Spending a lovely day and evening with my son and his wife and my three grandsons...nothing could be better than that!

kate steeper said...

I had wondered what Labour Day was, most holidays are pretty self explanatory but this one had me baffled

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: congratulations. In my country we celebrate that day on May 1. Keep in touch

SImple and Serene Living said...

Have a great day, my friend. xo Laura

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Regular day around here. First day for elementary students and some criers. Will be worse tomorrow when pre-k is in full swing. Have a good week. Tammy

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

I would love to visit Colorado someday! So much to see and do there! Happy Labor Day Susan:)
I'm not taking any time off this month because I'm joining the 30 in 30 challenge! 30 paintings in 30 days:)

Bookie said...

Just hanging close to home...doing some cooking...wiping up kitchen. Strong to severe storms are due here late this afternoon and evening...never what I like to anticipate!

Red Rose Alley said...

What lovely flag pictures today, Susan. Me and husband just had a bite to eat for lunch, and just relaxing on this Labor Day weekend. He works so hard every day, so deserves it.

I loved your comment on my jewelry post (it was one of my favorites). I would love to see all of your jewelry. It sounds like you have a big selection of it. Maybe you can do a post about it someday.

Happy Labor Day.


Chatty Crone said...

I am late - but I had a nice, yet hot Labor Day! Hope you did too.

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