Sunday, August 4, 2019

The Blessings of Home

Today the sun is shining brightly through the trees surrounding our home.

It's making patterned shadows on the side of the neighbor's house.

Sitting at the kitchen table, with birds chirping in the backyard, it is peaceful and serene.  

Yet, it is impossible to avoid thinking about the chaos in the United States right now, with horrendous shootings and the loss of human lives.

The random "hate" shootings that leave surviving family members weeping , fill the hearts of even strangers everywhere with sadness.

It's hard to wrap one's head around such senseless loss of life.

Still, despite the sadness, it's comforting to know that one can maintain peace and sanity within one's own home and life.

We can be kind to others.

We can pray for those who have been killed as well as for their families.

We can treat everyone with whom we come in contact with dignity and respect.

We can make our homes havens of love and peace.



diane stetson said...

God be with those families who have suffered such horrible loss this past weekend. My prayers are with them all.

Chatty Crone said...

I agree - so many senseless killings and other things too. I think peace starts in the home - if you don't have it there - it is hard to have it spread.

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