Sunday, January 19, 2025

Snow's A-Comin

A big snowstorm is predicted to bring between eight and 10 inches of snow, here in western Massachusetts.

Whether it will be as big as predicted is anyone's guess.

However, in mid-afternoon on Sunday, it's coming down by millions of flakes.

Oh boy, winter in New England is never boring.

Candles are lit, a heated blanket is turned on, supper is planned, and all is right, and very freezing white, momentarily in this section of the world.

Separate from snowstorm predictions, hearts and prayers are going out for the thousands of people in southern California who have lost their homes and all of their possessions.  

It is beyond devastating to think of their plight. 

On the other hand, it is uplifting to see how people are banding together to help each other. 

The will and stamina of humans, particularly those who have experienced immense loss, is beyond amazing. 

May today you find many blessings in your lives as well as peace.

If you are inundated with lots and lots of snow, like people in western Massachusetts are probably going to be, stay safe, as well.


Sandi said...

We may get some here too. They are calling for it Wednesday. It looks beautiful and you make it sound cozy.

Red Rose Alley said...

Susan, your snow pictures are so pretty. I especially like that last one with the bare tree covered in snow. It sounds like you are in for a good amount of snow. We are expected some in February. Yes, I feel so badly for the people in So Cal. who have lost everything. Thank you for your continued prayers, dear Susan. Enjoy your snow, your nice warm blanket, and your dinner in your cozy home.


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I know it’s very cold but it looks beautiful.

diane stetson said...

Your big storm was a bust but at least you got a nice dusting and some lovely pictures.

Shug said...

Morning Susan...I think these photos are stunning...I love seeing the branches of the trees blanketed with snow. However, that really is a lot of snow. Our expected snow never made it here. just cold weather. Stay warm my sweet friend.

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