Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Spread Peace and Love

A yoga instructor gave a good suggestion that can benefit just about everyone.

She intoned that keeping peace and love in all circumstances is very important and life-enhancing.

Even things that greatly bother a person about the world can be handled with a spirit of peace and love.

That's a very hard thing to do at times.

However, responding to anything upsetting with peace and love mainly benefits the person doing the responding, namely, ourselves.

We all know that nothing lasts forever.  

Turmoil in all areas, of our lives, including the political scene, will eventually end. 

Change is inevitable.

To preserve our own good health, responding to what rankles us, with spirits of peace and love sounds like a good idea. 



diane stetson said...

There are times that are very upsetting and the only way I find peace is to pray about it and ask God's help.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

When I am walking and see trash everywhere and more house cats dumped then I am anything but peace and love. :\ Sometimes anger sparks action and that is a very good thing.

Shug said...

I am doing much better with not allowing things to upset me and destroy my peace at the time. It is always best to seek God's Peace and allow him to let Peace cover our souls.

Red Rose Alley said...

That is great advice, Susan. There's nothing better than peace and love to put a smile one one's face.....and a kind word. If we remain in peace and love during the craziness of the world, difficult times are so much easier. This is a good reminder to us, Susan. Have a pleasant week filled with peace and love.


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

In my own strength I tend to be inconsistent. Through prayer, I ask the Holy Spirit to help me because I truly desire His peace. The good news I’m noticing a difference! I’m off all social media and I’m careful about what I take in. Our personal peace should be coveted because it’s what God wants for us and it’s good for our mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health.
Here’s to peace!

Anonymous said...

All good points in the spirit of Ghandi and MLK. Generally wise advice for everyday, I have tp disagree about politics...it's going to get much worse.

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