Thursday, May 16, 2013

Lovely Lilacs at Long Last

 Lovely, sweet smelling lilacs have bloomed at last.

I dreamed of these fragrant beauties during the frozen winter.

There is just no way to describe the incredibly beautiful fragrance of lilacs in the spring.

They propel me back to childhood days when we'd walk past dozens of lilac bushes in full bloom on our way to elementary school.

 Sometimes, even then, I'd bury my face in the pale, lavender blooms and inhale their sweet and luscious fragrance.

When our children were small and we lived in the inner city, we were very materially poor.

Every spring, I'd ask a neighbor if I could cut lilacs from her bush and she always invited me to take as many as I wanted.

So I'd fill several vases with the huge bouquets I brought back into the house.

I put lilacs in almost every room and then felt rich!

Now my babies are all grown up and one lives far away.  I still love to gather lilacs and bring them to home, sweet home.

Even though they come in lavender, pink and white, the lavender color is my fave.



Bookie said...

These are so beautiful! Not many lilacs here this year and what were here are now gone. Strange year for growing...appreciate anything we have. Enjoy your lilacs, as I know you will.

Merlesworld said...

We have nothing at the moment I would so love to see the flowers again and it's only the start of Winter.

Hindustanka said...

We had a tall lilac tree at our old dacha in Kazakhstan. Yes, as I like purple and lilac colors anyway, so lavender lilac is also my favorite!
our pictures are gorgeous, Susan! Thanks for sharing with us the beauty of this flower :)

Linda O'Connell said...

The fragrance is most delightful, heavenly, soothing.

Nellie said...

We have a couple of lilac bushes which we have set out, one new just this year, and the other is a couple of years older. There haven't been many blooms on them at this point, but we are hopeful to have more in coming years. I love the lilac color, too.

diane.stetson said...

No lilacs where I live's too hot for them. They like a cold climate. I remember them at a neighbor's house when I lived back east...always loved them. You are lucky to have them where you live.

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: I agree with you. Stunningly beautiful fragrance of lilacs in the spring. Where I live yes there lilacs. Lilacs remind the spring and sun. Keep in touch

Chatty Crone said...

Your lilacs are BEAUTIFUL! And yes - we have tons of lilacs here in Georgia and we are so lucky and blessed here. Love, sandie

marianne said...

Lilacs are lovely, indeed. They are the quintessential New England flower, I think. I too remember their heady fragrance permeating the whole neighborhood when I was a child. The fragrance is so uplifting and conjurs up many happy childhood memories! I will soon be bringing in a big bouquet to place on the kitchen table. Great pictures.

Decor To Adore said...

Oh how gorgeous! I wish my computer had a scratch and smell button! :)

Happy weekend!

La Tea Dah said...

They are so beautiful! I can almost imagine their sweet fragrance. So -- you see --- mine are all done, but you still have yours. Early isn't always best.

Enjoy a wonderful day, Susan!

Gracious Hospitality

Dee said...

We have them but not yet....purple is my favorite also. They are wonderful beauties and the fragrance of Spring. :)

Felicity W said...

Love to hear the story.
And the plate that is hiding behind the lilac.
Thanks for sharing.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Gorgeous! No matter what they are placed in or how they are display, they make such a brilliant, gorgeous bouquet. No lilacs here though I have seen several purple blooming trees that are very pretty. Best wishes, Tammy

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Gorgeous! No matter what they are placed in or how they are display, they make such a brilliant, gorgeous bouquet. No lilacs here though I have seen several purple blooming trees that are very pretty. Best wishes, Tammy

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